“SAVE LIVES” is a CSR project is implemented by BITAN with the financial support of GSK among the urban slum community, in the Nayabasti slums located at Ward-7 of Maheshtala Municipality, South 24 Paraganas, West Bengal. It has been more than 8 years BITAN is implementing the project in these slums to bring about a change in lives of the people aiming at improving the overall health, nutrition and sanitation scenario focusing primarily at maternal and child health issues of that particular geographical area. The majority of population living there have migrated from rural and sub urban areas in search of better livelihood options. The people are engaged mostly as daily labors, rickshaw and van pulling, ragpickers/waste collectors, domestic maids, beggars and also engaged in menial jobs in the unorganized sector. Gradually after 8 years the efforts started showing results and there was improvement in the overall scenario particularly in aspect of male involvement in new born care and also in assurance of institutional delivery instead of home delivery birth procedure.
BITAN believes that a positive approach and mindset will change the entire environment gradually. This is a unique impact story of Nayabasti field area.
Rejina Sekh is an old beneficiary of our project. 4 years ago, she got her first hospital delivery and was rewarded with a baby boy. At that time, she was being admitted to Medical College hospital by the BITAN Team but being anemic she needed blood support. After her post-discharge time, Rejina and her family members understood the importance of hospital delivery instead of the home delivery circumstances. Team BITAN did the needful on behalf of the ‘SAVE LIVES’ Project to save Rejina and her newborn at that time. After 4 years in, the year 2023 once again Rejina was pregnant and this time, she became more conscious about her health and attended every pregnant woman sensitization meeting of BITAN. Most importantly she convinced a few neighbours of her area regarding the importance of hospital delivery. On 3rd November she became a mother of another baby boy for the second time. This time she was admitted to Chittaranjan Seva Sadan Hospital and this is a perfect example of mindset changing, Rejina has a positive attitude holding an example to the entire 11 no brick field area where most of the home delivery happens.
SAVE LIVES team members are providing a consistent effort to bring behavioural changes to the people of Naya Basti Area.